Motorcycling in autumn and winter: tips and accessories for a comfortable ride

August 7, 2024

With autumn and winter approaching, the weather conditions change and with them the challenges for motorcyclists. While some put their bikes in the garage until spring, others choose to ride all year round. Whether you are a seasoned rider or someone preparing for their first cold season, it is essential to prepare properly. In this blog post, we discuss how to ride your bike comfortably and safely in the colder months and which accessories are essential in the process.

Layers, layers, layers

One of the most important tips for motorcycling in autumn and winter is to wear multiple layers of clothing. This helps not only to stay warm, but also to wick moisture away from your body, which is essential to stay comfortable. Start with thermal underwear that fits closely to your skin. Over this you can wear an insulating layer, such as a fleece jacket, and above that your motorbike jacket. It is also important to invest in a good, waterproof jacket to stay dry during rainstorms. Gore-Tex jackets are highly recommended for their excellent waterproofing and breathability.

Heated motorbike undergarments

For those who really need to ride in the cold, heated motorbike undergarments can be a godsend. These garments, which use batteries to generate heat, can be worn under your regular motorbike clothing. Think heated jackets, trousers, gloves and even socks. These items ensure that your body temperature is maintained even in extreme cold. Heated undergarments are especially useful for long rides or daily commutes during the winter months.

Maintenance of motorbike clothing

If you do not use your motorbike clothing for an extended period of time, it is important to maintain it properly. For leather suits, this means cleaning and greasing them to keep the leather supple and prolong its life. For textile clothes, especially those with a Gore-Tex membrane, it is essential to wash them to keep the pores of the membrane clean. In some cases, it can even be useful to put these garments in the dryer on low setting to reactivate the membrane and improve waterproofing. It is also advisable to regularly re-impregnate your textile motorbike clothing with an impregnation spray. This helps to make the outer layer of your clothing water repellent, allowing the first raindrops to slide off easily and keeping you dry for longer during wet rides. Re-impregnating ensures that your clothing not only stays waterproof, but also lasts longer.

Motorcycle rain suit

Despite your best efforts to keep your motorbike clothing waterproof, a good rain shower can still soak you. Therefore, it is always a good idea to have a motorbike rain suit on hand. Rain suits are designed to be worn over your regular motorbike clothing and offer extra protection against rain. You can choose a rain coverall or a separate jacket and trousers, depending on your preference and convenience. Rain suits are not only useful for unexpected downpours, but can also be useful as an extra layer for extra warmth and wind protection.

Keep clothes and boots dry

After a rainy ride, it is important to let your motorbike clothing and boots dry properly. Avoid drying these items directly on a heat source such as a radiator, as this can damage the material. Hang your clothes in a well-ventilated area and, if necessary, use newspaper in your boots to absorb humidity. This will help keep your gear in good condition and ready for the next ride.

Extra hints for the winter months

Besides the right clothing and accessories, there are a few extra hints to keep in mind when riding in winter. Make sure your bike is well maintained, paying special attention to the battery and tyres, which are put under extra strain by cold temperatures. Also consider installing heated handlebar grips for extra comfort.


Motorcycling in autumn and winter can be a great experience if you are well prepared. By investing in the right clothing and accessories, such as heated motorbike undergarments, a good maintenance regime for your motorbike clothing and a reliable rain suit, you can enjoy every ride, regardless of the weather conditions. Remember to always pay attention to your safety and comfort, and don't hesitate to seek advice from your local motorbike clothing shop. With the right preparation, you can enjoy your motorbike adventures all year round.

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