Motorcycling in the winter

October 2, 2023
Posted in: Motorcycling

Many motorcyclists store their bikes from November to March. On a paddock stand in the garage or under a warm cover in the garden. During sunny days, only a handful of die-hard riders venture out to satisfy their addiction to riding motorcycles. The number of motorcyclists in the Netherlands is on the rise, but the ""all-weather riders"" who brave the winter seems not to have increased. And yet riding in the winter or in bad weather is perfectly doable. With these tips from a seasoned all-weather rider, you too can ride safely and with pleasure during the cold winter months.


Dress warmly!

It goes without saying, but getting on the motorcycle dressed warmly is a must. This is to ensure that you stay warm during the ride and don't lose your concentration. A short 15-minute ride can be managed with a sweater or thermal clothing as an extra layer, but what if you are on the road for half an hour, an hour or even longer during a motorcycle ride below freezing point? Then take a look at heated clothing. And let's be honest, a heated vest under your jacket is delightful!

Wet road surface

The chance of rain is greater during the winter months, making the road surface slippery. Pay extra attention to the white lines and black repair lines on the asphalt. Especially in the early morning hours or during rapidly falling evening light, these slippery patches on the road surface are difficult to see.


Autumn colors are beautiful to see, and during an autumn walk you can take beautiful autumnal photos. But don't look at the leaves too closely if they are on the road, because those things are incredibly slippery when they are moist! So be extra careful when riding your motorcycle near trees in corners. They lose their leaves, and the wind blows them onto the road. Add a bit of rain, and this is a perfect place to slip and fall.

Monitor the weather

Going to work by motorcycle in the morning, but unable to return home in the afternoon because of a snowstorm? Then it's time to book a hotel! Monitoring the weather is cheaper and safer. Riding over freshly fallen snow is possible, but dangerous and not recommended. Black ice is even worse! If it has snowed and the roads are well salted and ""cleaned,"" then it is possible to get on your motorcycle.


Shaded areas

Is it freezing, but is there a beautiful sun shining? Then be careful of slippery roads. Frozen roads are still slippery in shaded areas. It is colder in the shade than in the sun, so the slippery spots do not melt. If you are in a corner in the shade, the outcome is easy to imagine.

Windy days

Rain, snow, and ice. Everything can come along in the winter. Just like wind! Monitor the weather and see if you dare to ride in, for example, wind force 8. Sit relaxed on your motorcycle and stick your knee out in the direction of the wind. This balances your body against the wind. It is better to remove top cases because wind catchers are of no use now. Overtaking trucks with side wind is the most exciting. You drive in the wind shadow until you have passed the truck. Hello wind and hello guardrail! Pay attention to this and be aware that the wind will catch you again once you have passed the truck.

Be visible

Driving around like a Christmas tree full of lights helps with your visibility in traffic. Wearing reflective vests or clothing with reflective details is definitely not an unnecessary luxury!  But as long as people still hit trucks, buses, and trams, there is still a chance that they will overlook you as a motorcycling Christmas tree. So be aware that other road users may not see you during dark, rainy days! Putting reflective stickers on your bike will also improve your visibility.

Drive defensively, and keep an extra close eye on the traffic around you.

Enjoy it

A winter ride is also just beautiful to do! You enjoy that warm cup of coffee in the restaurant or the setting sun at four o'clock in the afternoon even more. The soft colors of the sun rising above the meadows and the low-hanging mist above the ditches. Then you see that it is certainly not necessary to leave the Netherlands to enjoy a wonderful ride.


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October 3, 2023
Als ik 3dgn niet gereden dan gaat het kriebelen. Dus geen winterstop voor mij. Gewoon 36.000km per jaar
October 3, 2023
Bedankt voor de tip (knie richting de wind)! Zelf rij ik het hele jaar door dagelijks, waarbij een enkele reis zo'n 50 km is. Mijn tips zijn: - zorg voor waterdichte kleding zodat het regenwater je niet (extra) kan afkoelen. - ga ervan uit dat geen enkele autobestuurder nog verwacht dat er motoren op de weg zijn (pas je gedrag aan). - hand(stuur)-verwarming is geen luxe bij temperaturen onder nul. Groet, Martijn (Honda NC750X)
October 4, 2023
Hee Mark! Leuk informatief artikel. Heb nog een tip: Pekel is vernietigend voor je motor. Spoel je motor daarom af als je door de pekel gereden hebt. Dat kan snel met koud water. Scheelt je honderden euro's aan kapotte onderdelen. Met name schokdempers zijn gevoelig voor dit agressieve zout.
Henk van Beusekom
October 4, 2023
Ik mis eigenlijk wat advies over “bescherming” van de motor in de winter bij het doorrijden.
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