
Pinlock has now proven itself and once experienced you can hardly live without it. Prevent condensation and thus a fogged visor. Almost all helmets are prepared for Pinlock and more and more helmets have one supplied as standard


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Pinlock visor

What is a pinlock visor and what is it for?
Perhaps you have heard the word before; PINLOCK. Pinlock is an inner visor that can be placed in a helmet to prevent it from fogging up. Pinlock offers the best anti-fog solution for helmet visors according to many tests from motorcycle magazines worldwide. This is why helmet manufacturers such as Shoei, Arai, Schuberth, HJC, Nolan and many others supply the helmets with Pinlock Original as standard. The anti-fog lenses are currently available for more than 400 different helmet types.

Make sure your visor is suitable for mounting a pinlock visor, and that a different type of pinlock is available for each visor. A pinlock visor is tensioned between 2 pins in the visor and ensures that there is an extra sealed oxygen space between the inside and outside of the visor under pressure. Thanks to this technique, the temperature difference is less and the helmet will fog up less quickly.

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